D0, D+, Ds+, D*+-meson, and Λc+-baryon analysis code
Code for the measurement of Ds+, D+, D*+-meson, and Λc+-baryon pT-differential yields starting from the outputs of the AliPhysics tasks AliAnalysisTaskSEDs.cxx, AliAnalysisTaskSEDplus.cxx, and AliAnalysisTaskSENonPromptLc.cxx, using rectangular or ML selections
Run analysis tasks
Creation of files with selections to be applied on the tasks
- In the cutobjects folder all the macros needed to produce the cut-object files used in the tasks are stored
Run D+, Ds+, and Λc+ tasks with private jobs
The AliAnalysisTaskSEDplus.cxx, AliAnalysisTaskSEDs.cxx and AliAnalysisTaskSENonPromptLc.cxx tasks can be run with private jobs using the RunAnalysisDplusDsLcTask.cc
script in the runanalysistask
root -l RunAnalysisDplusDsLcTask.cc+(TString configfilename = configfile.yml, TString runMode = "full", bool mergeviajdl = true)
where configfile.yml
is a configuration file (such as runAnalysis_config_LHC17p_cent.yml) with the information about the dataset, the AliPhysics version, and the task options to be used. The tasks options include the possibility to create a tree for the ML studies or apply a ML model trained with xgboost or scikit learn. The ML model application is not supported by the Λc+ task.
Train output merge
- The by-hand merge of unmerged outputs of a ALICE analysis train or private jobs can be performed with the script in the
folder:python3 MergeTrainOutputs.py files_to_merge.yml
is the configuration file containing the information about the outputs that has to be merged such as files_to_merge_LHC18q.yml
Main analysis with THnSparses
Pre-filter ThnSparses
- The THnSparse in the task outputs can be pre-filtered to reduce the file size (useful if the train outputs are too large and cannot be merged) with the
script in thefilterdata
folder:python3 FilterSparse.py configfile.yml cutset.yml
is the config file with the info of the input files andcutset.yml
is the set of selections to be applied in the filtering. It creates output files as the input ones, with the ThnSparses filtered. With the option--suffix suffixname
, a suffix is added to the output file names, otherwise the input files are overwritten. With the option--plot
it creates control plots that are saved in .pdf files
Projection of invariant-mass distributions from THnSparses
- Project the THnSparse with the desired selections into invariant-mass distributions (TH1F):
python3 ProjectDplusDsSparse.py configfile.yml cutset.yml output.root
is a configuration file with the info of the input files (such as config_Dplus_pp_data_tree.yml), whilecutset.yml
is the set of selections to be applied.
To apply pT weights in case of MC the --ptweights
argument followed by the name of the input file with the pT weights and the name of the pT-weights histogram should be parsed. In this case, the pT weights are applied to both the prompt and the FD distributions. If also the --ptweightsB
argument followed by the name of the input file with the pTB weights and the name of the pTB-weights histogram is parsed, the pT weights for the FD are computed from the B-mother pT
Main analysis with TTrees or dataframes
Filter trees to prepare data sets for ML studies
To filter trees produced with the Ds+and D+ tasks and divide each category (data, MC prompt D, MC feed-down D, MC background) in a separated file (tree or dataframe) to prepare the datasets for the ML analyses, the FilterTrees4ML.cc
and FilterTrees4ML.py
scripts in the filterdata
folder can be used:
root -l FilterTrees4ML.cc+(TString configfilename = configfile.yml)
python3 FilterTrees4ML.py configfile.yml
where configfile.yml
is a configuration file (such as config_Dplus_data_skim_pp5TeV.yml) that contains the information about the decay channel, the input files, the preselections to apply, the features to keep and the output files. The output files are by default root
files in the c++ script and parquet
in the python script. If the --root
option is used, the output data are saved into root
files instead of parquet
Machine Learning analsyis for D-meson candidate selections
To be added
Projection of invariant-mass distributions from TTrees
- Project the TTree or dataframe with the desired selections into invariant-mass distributions (TH1F):
python3 ProjectDplusDsTree.py configfile.yml cutset.yml output.root
is a configuration file with the info of the input files, including the original task output (such as config_Dplus_pp_data_tree.yml), whilecutset.yml
is the set of selections to be applied. It autodetects whether the input files areroot
files containing TTrees orparquet
files containing pandas dataframes.
To apply pT weights in case of MC the --ptweights
argument followed by the name of the input file with the pT weights and the name of the pT-weights histogram should be parsed. In this case, the pT weights are applied to both the prompt and the FD distributions. If also the --ptweightsB
argument followed by the name of the input file with the pTB weights and the name of the pTB-weights histogram is parsed, the pT weights for the FD are computed from the B-mother pT
Common analysis
The following steps can be performed after having projected THnSparse or TTree (dataframe) objects
Raw yield extraction
To perform raw-yield extraction either a ROOT or a python script can be used.
- c++:
root -l GetRawYieldsDplusDs.C+(int cent, bool isMC = false, TString infilename = "distributions.root", TString cfgfilename = "config_Fit.yml", TString outFileName = "output.root")
- python:
python3 GetRawYieldsDplusDs.py config_Fit.yml centName distributions.root output.root
is the file obtained projecting the data or MC THnSparse andconfig_Fit.yml
is a configuration file with the inputs needed to perform the invariant-mass fits such as config_Ds_Fit.yml andoutput.root
is the name of the output.root
file name. In case of the python script, the--isMC
option can be used to specify if the input distributions are from MC simulations and the--batch
option can be used to execute the script in batch mode.
Efficiency-times-acceptance computation
The efficiency-times-acceptance computation is done in two steps:
- Efficiency computation:
python3 ComputeEfficiencyDplusDs.py config_Fit.yml centName distributionsMC.root output.root
is the file obtained projecting the MC THnSparse andconfig_Fit.yml
is the same config file used for the raw-yield extraction needed to have the same pT binning. The--batch
option can be used to execute the script in batch mode. - Acceptance and efficiency combination:
python3 CombineAccTimesEff.py effFileName.root accFileName.root outFileName.root
is the file with the efficiencies computed in the previous step andaccFileName.root
is the file with the acceptance computed using the ComputeAcceptance.C
both can be run with the --batch
argument to avoid the canvas window
Standard analysis with theory-driven prompt fraction evaluation
Cross section
- For the computation of the cross section, a modified version of HFPtSpectrum.C present in this repository, is used
Nuclear modification factor
- For the computation of the nuclear modification factor, a modified version of HFPtSpectrumRaa.C present in this repository, is used
Corrected yield
- For the computation of the pT-differential corrected yields, a modified version of ComputeDmesonYield.C present in this repository, is used
Analysis with data-driven evaluation of prompt / feed-down fraction
Prompt / feed-down fraction
- The evaluation of the prompt / feed-down fractions can be performed with the cut-variation method with the script:
python3 ComputeCutVarPromptFrac.py cfgFileName.yml outFileName.root
where cfgFileName.yml
is a configuration file such as config_Dplus_PromptFrac_pp5TeV.yml). The method requires several raw yields and efficiency files obtained with different topological selections applied to enrich/reduce the prompt or the feed-down contribution.
Cross section
- The computation of the prompt / feed-down pT-differential cross sections can be performed with the script:
python3 ComputeDataDrivenCrossSection.py rawYieldFile.root effAccFile.root fracFile.root outFile.root [--prompt] [--FD] [--Dplus] [--Ds] [--system] [--energy] [--batch]
are the root files containing the raw yields, the acceptance-times-efficiency factors, and the fraction of prompt (feed-down) D mesons estimated with the cut-variation method (previous paragraph), whileoutFile.root
is the ROOT output file. The optional parameters are needed to define wether the prompt or the feed-down cross section should be computed for the Ds+ or D+ meson, the system (pp
) and the centre-of-mass energy.
Run full analysis
- To run the full analysis escept for the ML part, from the raw-yield extraction to the nuclear modification factor and the corrected yields, the script
sh RunFullAnalysis.sh
can be used by setting some hard-coded parameters
Significance optimisation
Optimisation with TTrees
- The script ScanSelectionsTree.py can be used to compute expected quantities (i.e. signal, background, significance, S/B, prompt fraction) for all combinations of different selection criteria:
python3 ScanSelectionsTree.py cfgFileName.yml outFileName.root
is a yaml config file containing all the information about the input data to be used and the selections to be tested, such as config_Dplus_pp5TeV_Optimisation.yml. If the number of variables tested are less or equal 2 (i.e. ML outputs), the script produces plots with expected quantities as a function of the applied selections. In any case, a ntuple with all the expected quantities and the values of applied selections is produced and stored in the output file.
Systematic uncertainties
All the code for the evaluation of the systematic uncertainties is in the systematics directory.
Selection efficiency
- For the cut-variation studies with TTrees or THnSparses, the configuration files for each set of selection criteria can be created using:
python3 MakeCutsFilesForSyst.py
the variables and the ranges should be set hard-coded in the script. Once the configuration files are created they can be used to repeat the main analysis with the different selection criteria.
Once the analysis has been repeated for all the sets of selections, the systematic uncertainty can be evaluated using the script in the systematics/seleff directory:
root -l PlotCutVariationsOnePtBin.cc+(TString cfgFileName = "cfgFile.yml")
where the config file cfgFile.yml
includes all the information of the sets of selections to be used and the quality criteria that has to be applied, such as config_cutvar_DsFD_pp.yml.
Raw-yield extraction
- For the raw-yield extraction uncertainty a multi-trial study (with the usage of AliHFInvMassMultiTrialFit.cxx) can be run with the script in the systematics/rawyields directory:
root -l RawYieldSystematics.cc+(TString cfgFileName = "cfgFile.yml")
where the config file
includes all the information of the variations that has to be applied, such as config_multi_trial_DplusFD_pp.yml
Generated MC pT shape
- The systematic uncertainty arising from the shape of the pT distributions in the MC simulation can be evaluated with the code in the systematics/genptshape directory.
- The first step is the computation of the pT weights:
python3 ComputePtGenShapeWeights.py inFileMC.root outFile.root [--Dspecie Dname] [--Bspecie Bname] [--PbPb] [--rebin] [--smooth]
where the root file
can be the output of the AliAnalysisTaskCheckHFMCProd.cxx task or AliCFTaskVertexingHF.cxx,outFile.root
is the output file name,--Dspecie
is the argument to chose the D-meson and B-meson species to use,--PbPb
is a flag to enable in case of Pb-Pb analysis while--rebin
are two flags to apply a rebin of the spectra and a smoothening of the weights.-
The second step step is the computation of the efficiencies with and without pT weights, as described in the dedicated section.
The second step step is the evaluation of the systematic uncertainty:
python3 GetPtWeightSyst.py cfgFileName.yml
is a config file as config_ptshape_syst.yml.yml
Test and validation of alternative code for production of TTrees (AliAnalysisTaskSEHFTreeCreator.cxx)
The validation of the code for production of trees used in ML studies can be done using the scripts in the runanalysistask
- To run the AliAnalysisTaskSEDs.cxx and AliAnalysisTaskSEHFTreeCreator.cxx on the same files:
root -l RunAnalysisTreeCreator.cc+(TString configfilename = configfile.yml, TString runMode = "full", bool mergeviajdl = true)
is a configuration file with the information about the dataset and the AliPhysics version to be used - To run the validation of the output:
python3 ValidateTreeCreator.py inputfile inputdir inputlist
, andinputlist
are the root file produced byRunAnalysisTreeCreator.C
, the name of the TDirectoryFile and the TList inside the root file